
Chris Kuhni, WHRL Executive Director accepts check from Lani Smith of the Machias Savings Bank

The Machias Savings Bank has awarded the Women’s Health Resource Library with a $1000 technology grant that will help to fund new technology initiates including a new website – WHRL Online. This new site, in the development stage, will focus on programs and activities that promote the well-being of the women and families in our community.

The heart of WHRL Online will be a series of BLOGS on topics like food, recipes, physical fitness, health, family life, home and gardening, and teens.  WHRL Online contributors will be members of our community as well as experts on timely health and well-being topics.

The goal of WHRL Online is to reach more women of all ages in an increasingly technology driven environment. Watch for this new site to launch in June 2013.

The WHRL mission: To advance and promote the health and well-being of the woman, the family, and community.

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